Pharmacy Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, conducts training for students who are interested in becoming lecturer assistants in a practicum in pharmacy courses. This activity is an effort to increase the transfer of knowledge, independence, and establish social closeness between generations.


This training lasted for three days, starting on February 4 to 6 at the BH Building Pharmacy Program and at the Laboratory within the Pharmacy Undergraduate Program, Udayana University. The training was chaired by Mrs. Ni Made Widi Astuti, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt. in collaboration with each of the chairpersons of the pharmaceutical expertise association. The expertise group in the Pharmacy Undergraduate Program consists of expertise in Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Natural Materials and Clinical Pharmacy.


The event was opened by the chairman of the Pharmacy Bachelor Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Mrs. Dewa Ayu Swastini, S.F., M.Farm., Apt. According to her, the holding of this event is expected to improve practical skills, more intensive mentoring and effective discussions in practicum activities in order to obtain optimal knowledge transfer.


The process of recruiting assistant lecturers is carried out with the registration period January 27 - February 1, 2020. With the process, students register according to the interests of the practicum type, then are selected administratively from the student's grades concerned, then an initial test is conducted. Students who become teaching assistants will receive certificates and credit point numbers that will be used as proof of work experience.


As for students who have successfully passed are Pharmacy Analysis Practicum I: 17 people, Analytical Chemistry Practicum: 16 people, Pharmacy Botany: 19 people, Basic Pharmaceutic Practicum: 45 people, Physics Pharmacy Practicum: 21 people, and Toxicology Pharmacology Practicum: 4 people.


The students were given a briefing on the rights and obligations of the practicum assistant by Mr. Dr.rer.nat. I M. A. Gelgel Wirasuta, M.Sc., Apt, then the material of Safety Management Laboratory by Mrs. Ni Putu Linda Laksmiani, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt. On the second and third day, the students immediately get the material in their respective laboratories accompanied by the head of the expert group.